President of Tal Afar University inspects the students' dormitories and directs to provide the best services

On Tuesday 11/12/2024, the respected President of Telafer University, Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz Ahmed Aziz, paid an inspection visit to the student dormitories to see the progress of work and the level of services provided to students. During the visit, the University President was briefed on the facilities of the dormitories and the conditions of student housing, where he listened to their needs and comments, …

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Tal Afar University lecturers achieve new academic promotions for the year 2024

The presidency of Tal Afar University appreciates the distinguished scientific and research efforts of its lecturers, and extends its warmest congratulations to the lecturers who received their academic promotions during the current year, after fulfilling the scientific conditions and regulations approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The presidency of the university confirms that these promotions reflect the distinguished scientific level enjoyed by the university professors, …

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"Announcing the names of the second batch of those accepted into evening studies at Tal Afar University for the academic year 2024-2025"

The Presidency of Tal Afar University announces the names of the second batch of students accepted into evening studies in the Faculties of Nursing and Education for the academic year 2024-2025, after the end of the deadline granted to students of the first batch for the purpose of registration and commencement. Under the direction of the respected President of the University, Professor Dr. Abdulaziz Ahmed Aziz, the Presidency of the University invites students accepted within the batch…

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"The start date of the new academic year for first-year students at Tal Afar University"

Based on the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Presidency of Tal Afar University announces the start of official working hours for first-year students in all its colleges on Sunday 11/10/2024 for the academic year 2024-2025. The Presidency of the University calls on first-year students to commit to attending on time, as the colleges will begin implementing their educational programs according to the plans...

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"Commencement Date of the New Academic Year for First-Year Students at the University of Telafer"

Based on the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the presidency of the University of Telafer announces the commencement of official attendance for first-year students across all its colleges on Sunday, 10/11/2024, for the academic year 2024-2025. The university presidency urges first-year students to …

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"استمرار استقبال وتسجيل الطلبة المقبولين في جامعة تلعفر للعام الدراسي 2024-2025"

تواصل جامعة تلعفر استقبال وتسجيل طلبتها المقبولين في مختلف كلياتها للعام الدراسي 2024-2025، حيث تشهد شعب التسجيل في الكليات إقبالاً متزايداً من الطلبة لإكمال إجراءات تسجيلهم.   حيث أكدت رئاسة الجامعة حرصها على تسهيل وتبسيط إجراءات التسجيل للطلبة الجدد، حيث تم تهيئة كافة المستلزمات الضرورية وتوفير الكوادر الإدارية المؤهلة لاستقبال …

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*"Continuation of Reception and Registration of Admitted Students at the University of Telafer for the Academic Year 2024-2025"*

The University of Telafer continues to receive and register admitted students across its various colleges for the academic year 2024-2025, with registration divisions in the colleges witnessing an increasing turnout of students completing their registration procedures. The university presidency has emphasized its commitment to facilitating and simplifying registration procedures for …

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"وفد من كلية التربية بجامعة تلعفر يبحث آفاق التعاون العلمي والأكاديمي مع نظيرتها في جامعة الموصل"

في إطار تعزيز التعاون الأكاديمي وتبادل الخبرات بين المؤسسات التعليمية وبتوجيه مباشر من قبل السيد رئيس جامعة تلعفر الأستاذ الدكتور عبدالعزيز احمد عزيز، اجرى وفد من كلية التربية بجامعة تلعفر، متمثلاً بالسيد معاون العميد للشؤون الإدارية الدكتور مسلم رضا حسن والسيد معاون العميد للشؤون العلمية الدكتور مشتاق عبدالله محمد طاهر …

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"A Delegation from the College of Education at University of Telafer Explores Scientific and Academic Cooperation Prospects with its Counterpart at the University of Mosul"

Within the framework of enhancing academic cooperation and exchanging expertise between educational institutions, and under the direct guidance of the President of the University of Telafer, Professor Dr. Abdul Aziz Ahmed Aziz, a delegation from the College of Education at the University of Telafer, consisting of the Associate Dean for …

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استحداث الدراسة المسائية في كلية التربية بجامعة تلعفر للعام الدراسي 2024-2025

في إطار توسيع الفرص التعليمية وتلبية احتياجات المجتمع المحلي، وبجهود حثيثة ومتابعة مباشرة من السيد رئيس جامعة تلعفر الأستاذ الدكتور عبدالعزيز أحمد عزيز المحترم، يسر جامعة تلعفر أن تعلن عن استحداث الدراسة المسائية في كلية التربية بقسميها (علوم الحاسوب واللغة الإنكليزية) وفق الأمر الوزاري المرقم ت م 3 /12303 والصادر …

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