Collegiate Studying Programmes

As a part of the university’s strategic plan to attract Arab and foreign students to study in its faculties and majors, Telafer University announces the availability of a number of scholarships.
Where the respected President of the University (Professor Dr. Abdul Aziz Ahmed Aziz) stated, “The University of Telafer has allocated (30) academic collegiate studying programs in the disciplinarian (Nursing, Agriculture, Arabic language, Mathematics) for foreigners students .”
The following table shows the scientific disciplines with the number of available seats, note that all studying programs are dedicated to bachelors: .

As a part of the university’s strategic plan to attract Arab and foreign students to study in its faculties and majors, Telafer University announces the availability of a number of scholarships.
Where the respected President of the University (Professor Dr. Abdul Aziz Ahmed Aziz) stated, “The University of Telafer has allocated (30) academic collegiate studying programs in the disciplinarian (Nursing, Agriculture, Arabic language, Mathematics) for foreigners students .”
The following table shows the scientific disciplines with the number of available seats: click here.

note that all studying programs are dedicated to bachelors*

To register for scholarships: click here

Instructions for accepting non-Iraqi students

's degree)


